Consultations & Pricing
Clinical Nutritionists understand that disease or discomfort is complex and can be caused by a multitude of different factors. We use a holistic approach to healing and take into consideration the whole person, mind body and soul. I will look for the root cause of your issue, whatever it is and work with you on how to heal it. I know you don’t want a band-aid approach. Therefore, an initial consultation will take between 1 to 1.5 hours – it is, after all a fact-finding mission. I will assess your food intake and make recommendations on swapping foods in or out, whatever the case may be.
Fundamentally I believe in ‘food as medicine’, so I will address your diet first before determining if testing is required. Tests can be as simple as blood taken at your local QML, other times we may need to look at functional testing that can be done from the comfort of your own home.
After the initial consultation and the analysis of test results, we can start to determine a plan of attack and form a personalised treatment plan. Treatment plans are based on evidence-based research and tailored to the individual because we are all unique.
Changing the way we eat can feel overwhelming. Follow-up consultations will help to support you and monitor your progress. Doing it alone can be lonely. Research shows that having a qualified Clinical Nutritionist there to support you, equates to better outcomes. Follow-up consultations also provide an opportunity to identify barriers and find solutions.
There are no magic pills or overnight cures. It can take months, even years for people to get to their own unique optimal health level, and as such, treating people usually takes more than one consultation. If you think a consultation package might suit you better, please let me know.
Initial consultation - $170 (face to face or online).
Follow-up consultation - $110 (face to face or online).
3 x pack consultation - $350 saving $40
Metabolic Balance wellness and weight loss programme - Book a discovery call to find out how this programme will change your life! Price on enquiry
Health care rebates are available for some private health funds (please check with your provider)