Dani Husband
Managing Director
Clinical Nutritionist, Australian Natural Therapies Association
I love everything about food, I love eating it, looking at it, shopping for it, trying to grow it, cooking it and educating people on its unique healing properties.
As Hippocrates said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
I have a big-picture approach and an eye for well-structured but easy to manage health. I’m not into counting calories or fad diets, I believe in eating whole foods and teaching people how to cook them - or not cook them! I want to share what I know, and that is how to eat a healthy balanced and diverse range of foods.
Adding on from Hippocrates, I say “Eat a rainbow every day, move your body and get enough quality sleep and learn how to manage your stress levels”
My family’s story
At an early age, my eldest daughter suffered from eczema. Continuously applying steroid cream just didn’t feel right, nor did it have any long-term benefits - she needed to be fixed from the inside, and that’s exactly what we did. We fixed her gut and away went her eczema. It wasn’t that simple though; her eczema went away but we experienced some other hurdles. After a food intolerance allergy test showed us what foods weren’t working, we eliminated them from her diet and focused on eating whole foods. We worked on improving her gut health, incorporated a few supplements and since that time, we’ve never looked back.
We all know kids eat what their parents give them. With older kids like my daughter, we had to get creative in the kitchen. This gave her some independence and some ownership over how her diet had to change (and to be fair she really was one of my most compliant clients…. bless her little cotton socks). She’s moving through life in leaps and bounds now, and I’m so proud of where she’s come from. It’s not easy fronting up to a tween birthday party and (by her own fortitude) refusing what she knew she couldn’t eat.
That life experience piqued my interest. The next thing I know, I’m a mature age student studying Nutritional Medicine.
I studied at QUT and the Endeavour College of Natural Health, gaining a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutritional Medicine. Well, that was years ago and since then I’ve opened my own clinic in the beautiful Samford Valley.
Over the last few years, I’ve been honoured to speak at multiple events, hosted information evenings and conducted kids healthy eating workshops and cooking classes during school holidays.
…And that daughter, she is almost an adult now and eats all the things she couldn’t (in moderation) and hasn’t had eczema since.
I love how your kids can teach you things. Again, it was my daughter who after coming home from High School one day, announced that almost her whole class of 30 kids couldn’t cook a simple meal. To me, this was a frightening thought, ‘What are they going to live on when they leave home – take away?’ It was then that I decided I wanted to help create change, so I started cooking classes.
I aim to teach people how to cook for their health, wellbeing, and longevity. At this point statistically, our children are going to be the first generation to live shorter lives and this mostly boils down to their diets and sedentary lifestyles. It’s a minefield out there, of untruths, particularly about food and fad diets. People are generally just confused about what is and what isn’t healthy, thanks to manipulative marketing and a plethora of web information to overload the mind. “But the food packaging says it’s natural” the very fact that it’s in a box could suggest it’s not natural at all. If everything you eat comes out of a box, the chances are you’ll end up in one earlier than you should…
Seeing a nutritionist is a way to find out the truth. I am obligated by my governing body to keep abreast of the latest evidence-based research and to complete a great deal of professional development to keep my registration. Which suits me just fine, I love learning and then sharing what I’ve learnt.
Kind Words
My 2 year old wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep and be throwing the most horrendous tantrums. After two weeks of implementing Dani's strategies, it has changed our lives. She is eating, sleeping and a happy little person.
- Melissa
In The Clinic
I find gut health fascinating!
A large percentage of health conditions stem from an unhealthy microbiome (gut).
So, it makes sense that healing the gut is often the first step in the right direction to better health.
If you think about it, our gut is so important. We absorb all our nutrients from our gut. It’s where our immune system operates, and our feel-good hormones are made. Naturally, if your gut isn’t working properly, the rest of you probably isn’t running on all cylinders.
With our nation’s waistlines increasing, I see a lot of clients who are looking for better options for weight loss.
I’ve had many successful clients and I find it particularly rewarding when they reach their goal weight (sometimes I drop a tear of happiness -shhhh don’t tell anyone).
I see frustrated Mums and Dads, and other carers who are confused about what they should or should not be feeding their children and how to get them to eat healthy food.
I see people from all walks of life - busy parents who are fatigued and sick of waking up tired, teens who have quickly decided to be vegetarians without knowing what to replace meat with (which usually translates to what I call ‘Carbatarians’, please don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-carbs, but hot chips and pasta every day are not going to cut it!).
Did someone say HORMONES……? Hormonal imbalances are responsible for a plethora of symptoms. I can help you bring these back into balance. No more throwing things across the lounge room!
Maybe you have been to every known specialist there is, and they have nothing to offer you, but your symptoms remain? Don’t give up. I can work with you to get functional testing that can, in most cases, find the root cause of what is affecting you or the people you love.